Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Rain Rain go away come back..... Um never

Its raining, as if we didn't have enough rain this year already.. Yes im talking about the weather.. This is what you bring up in a conversation when it goes stale but for me the rain is a big issue... See we moved last year (February 2013) back to our home village of Liss, only from Petersfield which is a town over, one train ride, 4 main bus stops over and a 5 minute car ride... Why is this all important because the of school run..
We tried to move all 3 children who go to school into the local school but could only get the girls in at the time. 1 in the infants year 2 and one in the junior school in year 3... but no space for Tyler who was in year r.. so for the last half of the school year we split them between the schools... why you ask because we where told that I gave Tyler more of a chance to get a place if he a siblings at the school. It didn't help at all.. over a year has past and he's still in his old school, for a year I did split school run I would catch the bus or train to petersfield depending when my youngest finished playschool pick Tyler up 40 minutes early, (this works out that he was missing 1/2 a day of school a week) just so I could turn round and rush back to train station so I could make the 3.57 train back to liss to rush up to the school to pick my youngest daughter up from infants at 3.15.. then make the 30 minute journey home, and when it was raining, it was hell.
After a year, an appeal case which was denied and transport application which was denied... we decided it would be best if the girls where also back in the petersfield schools (they loved this idea..) It would make school run a little easier. Tyler doesn't have to miss 40 minutes of school a day, and school run only take s 1 hr. not 2 1/2 hrs.

 I wouldn't even ask about the cost, because I  pay my parents £20 a week in diesel money to get them to school in the mornings, £3.40 a day on train fare for me or £2.70 on the bus there and £3.00 home on train for me.
Then there's the over 5's train fair which works out currently at £4.50 in total to get all 3 home each day.. a week it costs a minimum of  £59.50 to do school run...

So the rain is extremely annoying because I get soaked in it and it always rains over school running even if it stops at some point during the day you can guarantee it will rain over school run.. If you think there's no sense of humour in this world then you just haven't done school run on a day that its raining cause the world loves to laugh at us parents doing school run... Well I'm laughing right with you now cause its sending me dam crazy...
char xox

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