I'm currently experiencing some more of it, The night time illness of a child.
We have all been there, during the day they are 99% themselves maybe a runny nose and cough but otherwise still bouncing off the walls, but at night they are 100% ill, they have a sore throat, cough, crying and a fever... Sometimes due to the coughing your throwing in some sick... Thanks world 1 to you it is...
Where does the worlds humour come in I here you ask me... its the part where us as parents are up all night fighting to make our babies better, and during the day their bouncing off the walls.... but we are still left drained and ratty due to lack of sleep.
I really would like to say with 4 children I have some advice on how to make the night time illness easier to handle, but I don't really apart from some old tricks work to help with the coughs and runny nose. You could try Vicks on the feet covered by socks and a little bit on the corners of the bed and underside corners of the pillow so that they don't rub it all over their faces.
Sore throats, well I find calcough (calpols own cough medicine) works well, as it soothes the cough and also helps the with the sore throat.....
That's it really just another moan at the worlds sense of humour
char xox